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St Andrew's News and Events


Afternoon Tea - July 2024

St Andrew's again hosted a scrumptious afternoon tea with entertainment from the Ukelele Band as part of our three Churches summer event.

Labyrinth - May 2024

Our labyrinth came back for 2024, this year themed around the Lord's Prayer. It is no longer up in our Churchyard, but can be viewed here. The wonderful art is by Chris Duffett (Chris Duffett Art) and was part of the Thy Kingdom Come resources.


Three Churches Walk - March 2024

On Saturday 30th March, people from St Andrew's, St Michael's and Christ Church met together for a walk and a cup of tea in Ferry Meadows. It was a lovely sunshine-filled morning!

Candlelit Carol Service - December 2023

Thank you to all who attended, decorated, sang, read and provided refreshments at our carol service. It was superb.

Christingle - December 2023

Our Family Service in December was a Christingle service, and was enjoyed by all!



Harvest - October 2023

A group from the village and church communities decorated our Church for Harvest.


Afternoon Tea - July 2023 

As part of our three Churches summer events, St Andrew's hosted an afternoon tea, complete with Ukelele band and towers of cake!


Labyrinth - May 2023

We celebrated 'Thy Kingdom Come' with a prayer labyrinth, which was walked by 54 people (and a few four legged friends). The video takes you on a journey through the labyrinth.



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